Vivian Ip's Wedding - October 9, 2010:
Vivian was a referral from a bride I had back in 2008 - Christina Cheung, who was my all-time most simple bride, which I loved lol. As we got to know each other through email, I could already tell that Vivian was going to be a great bride to work with - she was very easy going and on top of things.
She had some concerns about her hair being too fine, so she decided to bring a full clip on set of extentions...I'm not talking about the ones with tracks that you can layer, it was a cap with hair on it that goes over your entire head. So as I started to place it onto her head...we just looked at each other and laughed because it just seemed so .... over-the-top, so I decided to put it aside and show her what I could do with her own hair and if she still thought it wasn't full enough, we would work with the extentions. Luckily, she was happy and we didn't have to go that route...PHEW!
I also got a chance to meet her mom Veronica prior to the wedding for a trial. With mom's, I never know what to expect and it always makes me a tad nervous - but thankfully, she was super easy going and extremely nice - she just wanted a style to make her look younger!
We started VERY early on the day of (still pitch dard outside) as they were going to play the traditional Chinese door games. I won't lie, I was totally still half asleep lol, I don't know why I was so tired. As the morning started to look like morning with the sun rising, I saw Vivian in a totally different light. And at one point, we were just laughing and excited and I'm not even sure why. Talk about a small world - as I was putting on the final touches on Vivian's hair, I see a familiar face walk by the door and before I could even say anything....Maggie (one of Bea's bridesmaids) backs up, we looked at each other and the hugging began! lol. I always tell brides the story about me and Maggie because it was so funny. The story goes that I think at one point we were both high on hairspray during Bea's wedding...and couldn't stop laughing!!
It was a great wedding full of laughter, discussion about the Cat Lady and her plastic a blast from the past = one fun morning! Thanks for all the hospitality :) Congrats Vivian!!
Photo Credit: Terry Ting

Diana Wong's Wedding - October 9, 2010:
It was a double whamy wedding, so right after I finished Vivian's, I quickly rushed over to Diana's house to help her get ready for her big day! It was just her, so it definitely took some of the pressure off :) Fun times getting her ready!!
I won't lie - it was a little hard to read Diana at first, not as a person, but with her hair lol. We had come up with some ideas about doing a loose updo, but I wasn't totally sure if it was going to work, not because it didn't look good, but there are different factors to consider when doing that kind of look. Diana emailed me shortly after our trial and decided perhaps structure would be better and I couldn't have agreed more.
Diana is a petite bride, but a bundle of energy. I just remembered that during both the trial and on the day of, the conversation never stopped and I love that because it doesn't make it feel like I'm actually doing work and thats ususally when I come up with my best work :)
I should mention that Diana was a referral from the always lovely Rhia, who was her makeup artist and always a pleasure to work with. Diana - I thoroughly enjoyed working with you because you were such a positive and down-to-earth bride. You looked absolutely amazing and I am so lucky to have been a part of your big day!! Stupid me didn't take any photos even though I thought I below are a few I took from her photographers (hope you don't mind!!) from Joseph & Jaime Weddings who did a spectacular job capturing the day :)
Silly pic, but a great profile shot of the hair :) lol
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